Top 10 Decades I Should Have Lived In
1. The 70s
Disco, roller-skating, and Nixon. What’s not to love about one of America’s high points? Wait, what’s happening in Vietnam?
2. The 40s
I’m just saying, if I was alive then, and it was me, Hitler wouldn’t have been a problem. That scene in Inglorious Basterds would have been a wonderful movie experience compared to what I’d do to him.
3. The 1880s
I wanna be a cowboy, baaaaby. Bang bang!
4. The 1090s
I could have participated in the one crusade that actually, you know, worked, and I’d be pardoned from all sins, past, present, and future. Brothels, here I come!
5. The 2150s
Look, someone is going to have to tell President Beegleborp that his plan to keep illegal aliens out isn’t going to work. You can’t build a wall around the solar system! We don’t have the resources, Beegleborp!
6. Year 0
I’d probably just tell Jesus about, like, gay people and the iPhone. See what he does with that.
7. The 20s BC
I think it’s only fair that if I include WWII, then I should also include the Roman Empire. As we all know, those are the only two periods in history.
8. 2001
Yes, I was technically a baby at the time. But, as an adult, I can warn George Bush about the most important event of the 21st century: the closing of Club Penguin in 2017. He could probably stop it.
9. 6000 BC
If I brought a flip lighter and a bag of apple seeds, I would be a god. Worship me, oh lowly beings, for I bring fire and food wherever I go.
10. The Dawn of Time
I’d go back and… I don’t know, make all humans magenta? Stop them from canceling Dan Vs.? Make the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles real? I don’t know, I’ll figure it out when it happens.